Take Back The Beat
Manchester: 25 May | London: 3 June | Brighton: 16 June 2022

About The Event
A brand new charity initiative raising funds and awareness for violence against women and domestic abuse, in partnership with Women’s Aid and IDAS. Take Back The Beat aims to provide a safe, open and inclusive space for women to meet like minds with similar experiences, and together find strength in taking their first – or continued – steps forward as a community.
Get ready for a night of live music, inspirational talks and the opportunity to meet like minded people in support of the cause.
Our events welcome all genders and identities.
Absolutely not. We’re looking to build a strong community of survivors and experiencers alongside those who are simply curious to understand more and/or show their support.
All profits from the event will be donated to Women’s Aid and IDAS. That includes 100% of ticket sales, merchandise and more – over and above the cost of producing the event.
No. We take our community’s safety and security seriously. We will be instructing photographers to point their cameras only at the stage, and will not be sharing any images that contain audience members. We also ask that attendees also do the same on the night.
Gullivers Wednesday 25 May
OmearaFriday 3 June
The Folklore RoomsThursday 16 June
The Official Podcast
Take Back The Beat with Natalie Gray and Farah, two survivors of domestic abuse and violent attacks have teamed up to create a safe and inclusive podcast that audaciously explores the taboo subject of violence against women, in the hope of making it… well, not quite so taboo.